Very good
This is badass. Very clear. Sorry for the short review but i have to go.
Very good
This is badass. Very clear. Sorry for the short review but i have to go.
Oh its cool, lol as long as you liked it.
Real good
I like your music alot. You did very well with the panning of the bells in this one. I hope you keep submitting music like this.
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it SpacLock. I have a few more in the process that actually include similar bells in them, so I will try and crank them out quickly!
I Liked this alot. I hope you finish it.
Very nice
This is really good. If only you had a real orchestra to work with.
Yeah, I'd love to have a orchestra to work with and composing songs with them there.
One of the best original songs i've heard here.
oh you're too generous...
This is very good. Can i ask you what song you sampled from??
the song is Bonnie Raitt- I Can't Make You Love Me..........doesnt really sound the way i made it sound......that little piano thing is a mix of a few different its not gona sond much like my beat
Im not sure why your asking but if you wana make a beat out of it.......that preaty cool, if you are send me the final version
i wouldn't mind hearing it
By far my favorite entry in the audio portal. This is just a badass song. Keep this up.
Wow thanks alot man!I really appreciate it, critism is always enjoyed, good or bad.
Very Nice Work
This is a really great song. I like alot of your classical music too.
This was a badass remix. It just keeps getting better as it goes and ending is great.
Thanks for your review :D
I am not taking any more remix requests for the time being. Email me at or PM me here if you have any questions.
Minneapolis, MN
Joined on 6/1/04